Video Clips


"Deixa-me ir"

First single from the album "Casulo"


Deixa-me ir" is an equation. An equation that requires us to consider whether we should stay in a relationship, whatever it is: love, friendship with a city or even a country. Because I believe that no designer should resign from his duty to act and intervene in society, "I appropriated myself" of the theme and explored it under a personal point of view, as a picture, that I consider to be one of the most embarrassing and regrettable moments that currently lives throughout Europe, especially in Portugal. People have lost all respect for the institutions and those who represent us. Citizens are forced to endure a crisis that was not created by them. And in the midst of a world in which countries are treated as companies and people like numbers, we forget the civilizational retrogression and grotesque that this view implies.Humanity has always lived moments of crisis and even so never failed to overcome them. However, when none of us thought it could happen again, again we were taken away from what most sacred things in human life: hope and aspiration to a life and a better world. When those who represent us proclaims his withdrawal to invite us to leave, the question that remains is: what leads us to stay? The video clip "Deixa-me ir" aims therefore to be the portrait of an era and a contemplative look at a country that languishes. But that reminds us and reminds them that we exist and we are here.